Current Bylaws

Section 1. Curriculum and/or Program Development
Section 2. Curricular Modifications, Deletions or Additions Section 3. Program Changes Section 4. Teacher Education and Licensure Changes Section 5. Catalog Material Modification

Section 1. Recommendations and Submissions
Section 2. Budget and Resource Allocations

Chapter 1 - Mission and Goals

Section 1 Mission Statement

The College of Education is committed to an intellectual environment that promotes quality instruction, significant research, and professional service.

Section 2 Conceptual Framework

The College of Education is committed to preparing professionals for changing educational contexts.

Integral to the conceptual framework is a dedication to being a premier college of education that serves our dynamic and expanding community, the state, the region, and the nation.

This is accomplished by:

Section 3 Goals

  1. Engage in professionally significant research and scholarship
  2. Contribute to the production of professionals for educational contexts
  3. Develop and improve stakeholder and constituent initiatives
  4. Establish the unit as a recognized moderator of critical topics in education
  5. Expand our programs and offerings to new populations and global markets

The goals are further detailed in Appendix A - COE Goals.

Chapter 2 - Organization

Section 1 Academic Units

See NSHE Code 1.4.3 & 1.4.9; UNLV Bylaws Chap. I Sec.2.3.3 & Sec. 3.1.2

The academic departments of the COE are listed below. The listing of academic departments is updated annually as a responsibility of the Bylaws Committee.

1.1 Department of Counselor Education
1.2 Department of Curriculum and Instruction
1.3 Department of Educational Leadership
1.4 Department of Educational Psychology
1.5 Department of Special Education
1.6 Department of Sports Education Leadership

Section 2 Board of Regents or Nationally Approved Centers and Administrative Units

2.1 Centers operate as a part of the College of Education by virtue of their designation by action of the NSHE Board of Regents or by designation by a national organization. Their education-related mission must complement the mission of the college and provide for the advancement of research/scholarship, service, and teaching for students and faculty. Board of Regents approved centers operate under the auspices of the NSHE and nationally-approved centers operate under the auspices of their national affiliation. A current listing and description of each center is found on the UNLV Research web site.

2.2 Administrative units are authorized by and operate under the direct supervision of the Dean of the College of Education and are designed to fulfill the mission of the college. A current listing and description of each administrative unit can be obtained from the Dean’s Office.

Chapter 3 - Administration and Governance

Section 1 Governance

The COE is one of the academic units comprising the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Authorization for its bylaws and the bylaws of the departments that comprise it are given in Chapter I, Section 4.4 of the UNLV Bylaws, (10/98) Section 1 Governance Policy (See NSHE Code 1.3.4 & 1.4.6; UNLV Bylaws, Chap. 1 Sec 4.4.2).

Consistent with Chapter I, Section 1 of the UNLV Bylaws, which enunciates the delegation of certain authority to faculty by the Board of Regents, the faculty of the COE serves as the chief organizing and policy recommending body of the COE. The Dean of the COE is the chief administrative officer and a university administrator. Department Chairs are academic administrators. See (NSHE Code 1.6.1) (UNLV Bylaws, Chap. I Sec. 4.1.4) .

As a public body, COE faculty meetings are governed by the Open Meeting Law of the state of Nevada.

Section 2 Dean

2.1 Selection

The formal procedures for selecting the Dean are described in Chapter II, Section 10.5.1 of the UNLV Bylaws.

In the COE, each department will elect one member as its representative on the Dean’s recruitment and screening committee. Also, each department will put forward the name of one additional faculty member in that department for a college-wide vote for an at-large member of the committee. Additional members will serve on the committee in accordance with UNLV Bylaws and/or System Code.

The Dean is considered to be a University administrator (Chapter I, Section 4.1.4 of the UNLV Bylaws) and is appointed by the President for an unspecified term. Although the Dean may be tenured as an academic faculty member, the Dean cannot be tenured in the position of an administrator. (See NSHE Code Chap. 3 Sec. 3.4.6).

2.2 Duties and Responsibilities. As the chief administrative officer of the COE, the Dean has authority and responsibility for the COE on all matters dealt with within the regular administrative channels of the University as defined in Chapter I, Section 5 of UNLV Bylaws. These include but are not restricted to policy formulation, interpretation and application; personnel selection, management and evaluations; budget preparation and allocation; fiscal oversight; and short and long range planning. The Dean is also the Chief Teacher Licensure Officer of UNLV and provides administrative leadership in both licensure and degree enterprises. See (NSHE Code 1.6.1)

2.3 Evaluation of the Dean.

(UNLV Bylaws, Chap. III Sec. 14.3; also see NSHE Code 5.12.2)

In the COE, the Dean shall be evaluated according to the UNLV Bylaws as described in the section entitled “Evaluation of Administrators Other Than the President.” (Chap. III, Sec. 14.3). [[The Dean's Advisory Council shall design and conduct an annual evaluation of the Dean. Input should be solicited from all academic and nonacademic faculty. A synthesis of the evaluation shall be transmitted to the Provost in a timely manner. (see UNLV Bylaws Chapter 3: Section 14.3).]]

The elected faculty representatives of the Dean’s Advisory Council shall design and carry out an evaluation of the Dean in the last full semester (fall or spring) of the third year of administration . This will follow the same time frame as all other faculty evaluations. An evaluation of the Dean can also be conducted at the request of the Dean or on receipt of a petition signed by at least one-third of the voting faculty of the College, in which case the evaluation would be designed and conducted by the elected faculty representatives of the Dean's Advisory Council.

Section 3 Associate and Assistant Dean(s) of the College of Education

3.1 Selection. The Dean will solicit input from the Dean’s Advisory Council and then select the Associate and Assistant Deans for an unspecified term. Although the Associate and Assistant Dean(s) may be tenured as an academic faculty member(s), they cannot be tenured in the position of an administrator. (NSHE Code Chap. 3 Sec. 3.4.6)

3.2 Duties and Responsibilities. The Dean in consultation with the Dean’s Advisory Council will establish duties and responsibilities for the Associate and Assistant Deans. The Dean will distribute the list of duties and responsibilities to the faculty one week prior to the beginning of the academic year.

3.3 Evaluation of the Associate and Assistant Dean(s). In the COE, the Associate and Assistant Deans shall be evaluated according to the UNLV Bylaws as described in the section entitled “Evaluation of Administrators Other Than the President.” (Chapter III, Section 14.3). The elected faculty representatives of the Dean’s Advisory Council shall design and carry out an evaluation of the Associate and Assistant Dean(s) no less than once every three years. This will follow the time frame as all other faculty evaluations.

Section 4 Department Chairpersons

4.1 Selection. Procedures for nominating and recommending Department Chairpersons are described in bylaws of each respective unit. The minimum term of office of Chairpersons of Departments of the COE will be three years with the possibility of reappointment. Otherwise, Bylaws must conform to Chapter II, Section 10.8 of the UNLV Bylaws. (see also NSHE Code 1.6.1a).

4.2 Duties and Responsibilities. All Chairpersons should:

4.2.1 Be available and accessible as needed. This includes daily accessibility during the regular semesters, mini-terms, and the peak periods of registration, the end of semester period when grades are submitted, and orientation. “Daily accessibility” normally means that Chairpersons be physically on campus for a part of each day; should they need to be away from campus, they should be in touch with their offices in order to deal appropriately with Departmental business. With the advice and consent of the Dean, the Chairperson should designate an acting Chairperson during extended periods of absence. All such absences should be taken only in consultation with and approval by the Dean.

4.2.2 Be responsible for personnel recruitment and for personnel evaluation, to include recommendations on retention, tenure, promotion, and merit and annual performance evaluation

4.2.3 Schedule classes and other Departmental functions

4.2.4 Manage the Departmental budget

4.2.5 Provide leadership in establishing and implementing Department goals, priorities, and policies

4.2.6 Provide leadership in curricular review and/or alteration

4.2.7 Appoint, as appropriate, Departmental committees

4.2.8 Represent the Department both on campus and off

4.2.9 Advise students, respond to student requests for information, and evaluate student petitions

4.2.10 Perform any other appropriate assignments that the Department or College circumstances may require

4.3 Evaluation of Chairperson. The department chair will be evaluated annually as specified by the bylaws of the department. Results of the evaluation will be made available to the Dean of the COE.

Section 5 Standing Committees

(See NSHE Code 1.4.6) The UNLV Bylaws, Chapter I, Section 4.7.1, 4.7.2, require the establishment of two (2) standing committees (College Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee). These and other standing committees of the COE are listed below and described in Appendix B - Standing Committees:

  1. Academic Standards Committee
  2. Bylaws Committee
  3. BERD Advisory Committee
  4. Council on Field Experiences & International Student Teaching
  5. Curriculum Committee
  6. Dean’s Advisory Council
  7. Graduate Studies Committee
  8. Merit Review Committee
  9. Multicultural and Diversity Committee
  10. NCATE Review Committee
  11. Peer Review Committee (PRC)
  12. Promotion and Tenure Committee
  13. Scholarship and Honors Committee
  14. Teacher Education Committee

5.1 Establishment of Additional Standing Committees of the COE.

The establishment of additional COE standing committees is permissible and shall be accomplished by vote of the COE faculty as an amendment to these Bylaws. A proposal for any such committees shall be presented in detail as to membership, functions and duties, procedures of operation and related matters. A proposal to establish a new standing committee or to terminate any standing committee shall be made to the COE faculty in written form and shall include a statement of justification. Final consideration of the proposal cannot be acted upon at the same meeting at which it is introduced but must be finalized at a subsequent faculty meeting or by ballot. The Dean of the College and/or the Faculty Chair may establish ad hoc or special purpose COE committees from time to time on the basis of temporary or transitory needs and/or justification. Student representation is encouraged.

Chapter 4 - Faculty

Section 1 Academic Faculty

The categories of faculty are described in Chapter I, Section 4.1 of the UNLV Bylaws and includes Academic Faculty, Nonacademic Faculty, (e.g. Professional staff) and Non-Tenure Track Faculty, (e.g. Faculty-in-Residence). Faculty appointments within each department of the COE are considered to be Academic Faculty. UNLV Bylaws (Chap. I, Sec. 3.1) (See Appendix C - Categories of Faculty). All academic faculty, including tenured academic and non-tenured academic faculty, may vote on all matters of educational policy that affect undergraduate programs of instruction. (UNLV Bylaws, Section 4.2.1). “Non­Tenured Academic Faculty” means members of the academic faculty who are in a tenure-track position but who have not completed their probationary period.

In general the minimum qualifications for a faculty appointment within any department of the COE should approximate or exceed those listed as necessary for appointment to Assistant Professor: See UNLV Bylaws (Chap. III, Sec. 16.3)

Selection and Hiring. See (Chap. 5, Section 5.4.1, NSHE Code) and UNLV Bylaws (Chap. III, Sec. 15). Permission to recruit and select new faculty must be secured from the Executive Vice President and Provost via the Dean of the COE. In general this is done by 1) securing the reallocation of a faculty position vacated by a retirement or resignation, or 2) securing approval for a newly created faculty position. In addition to the guidelines for recruitment which are contained in Chapter III, Section 15 of the UNLV Bylaws, job descriptions will be drawn up by the appropriate Department, in consultation with the Chairperson and the Dean of the College. Job descriptions will be in a format consistent with requirements of the University Affirmative Action Office (AAO). Justification must be possible for each qualification. Vacancy notices will be sent out from the Department Chairpersons offices using recruitment lists developed for this purpose. Clearance from appropriate administrative officers shall be secured prior to such mailings.

A search and review committee will be appointed by the Department Chair with appropriate input by faculty and with clearance by the Dean in accordance with Human Resources policies and procedures.

The Department may recommend a ranked list of names to the Dean for approval. The Dean in turn recommends the hiring of a new faculty member to the Executive Vice President and Provost who makes the final decision on such matters.

The Department may make recommendations to the Dean regarding appropriate salary, years of credit, and rank for specific candidates.

1.4 Duties and Responsibilities.

Departmental Faculty are responsible for:

Section 2 Faculty Affairs

2.1 Meetings. Meetings of the COE are called by the Faculty Chairperson or the Dean. A number equal to or exceeding fifty percent of the full-time voting faculty of the COE will constitute a quorum. It will be the responsibility of the Faculty Chair or the Dean to delay action or balloting on issues when, in his/her judgment, attendance is not sufficient to insure adequate input and informed discussion. 2.2 Voting Rights. In all faculty meetings of the College of Education, voting privileges shall accrue to all persons holding a current full time academic and faculty-in-residence appointment in the College, and to all tenured members of the faculty. The list of eligible voting academic faculty shall be presented at the first COE faculty meeting in the Fall. Motions shall pass or fail by a simple majority vote. In any circumstance where there is not a complete slate of candidates for any COE committee or office, then those individuals nominated shall be considered elected by acclamation. 2.3 Personnel Recommendations for Academic Faculty: (UNLV Bylaws Chapter 3, Section 6.1) Department/Unit Personnel Procedures Authorized. The faculty of each academic department/unit shall establish its own procedures and criteria for all personnel recommendations in accordance with college/school and departmental/unit bylaws. Only tenured and tenure-track faculty and faculty in residence (excluding chairs, directors, assistant and associate deans and deans) may serve on departmental/unit personnel committees, attend personnel committee meetings at which recommendations for promotion, tenure, merit or annual evaluations will be made, or vote in such meetings. It shall be the responsibility of those in attendance to write a detailed report specifying majority and minority opinions. The administrative procedures of each department/unit and college/school shall ensure that the input of administrators is a formalized part of the process. 2.4 Annual Performance Evaluation. See Chapter III, Sections 8 of the UNLV Bylaws: NSHE Chapter 5, sections 5.11 & 5:12. The COE Annual Evaluation Report which conforms to the requirements of UNLV Bylaws is available through the UNLV Office of the Provost Website. More detailed criteria and/or interpretations may be found within bylaws of each department. The annual evaluation of faculty is initiated by the Department Chairperson in harmony with guidelines established in the NSHE Code (Chap. III Section 3.4.2.b,-Standards for Recommending Appointment with tenure) and UNLV Bylaws (Chap. III, section 8, Annual Evaluation of Faculty) and implemented annually through regular administrative channels. Each review covers the preceding calendar year. This review is one indicator for determining the eligibility of faculty for salary increments, including merit, rank promotion and/or tenure. Attention should be given to Section 5.12.2. (b), of the NSHE Code that states, “An overall ‘unsatisfactory’ rating in two consecutive annual performance evaluations as provided in this section shall be cause for termination of employment.” 2.4.1 Disagreement with Annual Review. If a faculty member disagrees with an assigned rating, i.e., excellent, commendable, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory, in any of the three categories of performance (Instruction, Scholarly Research/Creative Activity; or Service) NSHE Code (Chap. III Section 3.4.2.b) or with the rating assigned for the Overall Evaluation, the faculty member may submit a written rejoinder or ask for a peer review. See UNLV Bylaws Chapter III, Section 8.3. 2.4.2 Rejoinder. If a faculty member only takes exception to the commentary or descriptions written by the department chairperson under any heading, s/he shall within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the annual review use the option of filing a written rejoinder. The rejoinder is considered to be a “disagreement” with the commentary or descriptions included in the evaluation, but is not regarded to be a formal “disagreement” with the overall evaluation. 2.4.3 Peer Review. If a faculty member “disagrees” with the rating assigned for the overall evaluation, i.e., unsatisfactory, the faculty member may ask for a peer review. (See Appendix D - Peer Review) A request for a peer review must be received by both the COE Faculty Chair and the COE Dean within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of the Annual Evaluation Report Form. UNLV Bylaws (Chap III, section 8.3) requires each college to establish procedures for forming an elected peer review committee and to provide any operational guidelines deemed necessary. The election of the Peer Review Committee, the steps for requesting a peer review, and procedural/operational guidelines for disagreeing with an Annual Performance Evaluation are found in Appendix D - Peer Review. 2.5 Guidelines for Academic Salary Increases. See Chapter III, Section 10.1 of the UNLV Bylaws. The “COE Annual Review Self-Report Criteria” are in harmony with the campus wide requirements and are employed in determining eligibility of faculty for salary increments. Current guidelines and procedures for the annual review self-report / merit process in the COE as adopted by faculty are presented in Appendix E - Merit Process. See the Provost Office Website for the Annual Review Self-Report / Merit Application form. 2.5.1 Merit Recommendations. See Chapter III, Section 10.2 “Annual Merit Recommendations” of the UNLV Bylaws. 2.5.2 Equity Salary Increases. See UNLV Bylaws Chapter III, Section 10.1.c & f. Salary inequity is defined as differences in salary for individuals with similar qualifications and rank which can not be attributed to differences in degrees held, time in grade, and nature of previous assignments or productivity levels. Current procedures for identifying and correcting salary inequities are presented in Appendix F - Salary Inequities. 2.5.3 Grievance. For information regarding a grievance of any personnel action (tenure, promotion, salary increment, merit, and others) see Title 2 - Chapter 5, Section 5.7 of the NSHE Code and Chapter I Section. 4.6.9 and Chapter III, Section 6.6 of UNLV Bylaws. For information as to procedures requesting reasons for denial of appointment with tenure, salary increases, promotion or reappointment and subsequent requests for reconsideration of personnel action, refer to Chapter 5, Section 5.2.3 and 5.2.4 of the NSHE Code and Chapter III Section 6.4 and 6.5 of the UNLV Bylaws 2.6 Promotion. Consideration for promotion is initiated by the individual faculty member if less than the maximum time in rank has elapsed or by the Department Chairperson if the maximum time in rank has transpired as specified by the UNLV Bylaws. See Chapter III, Section 16 of the UNLV Bylaws and (NSHE Code, Section 5.10.1). In either case it is the responsibility of the person being considered for promotion to prepare a complete dossier for review that is in accordance with current Provost and Regents’ guidelines and procedures for consideration of promotion and tenure (see Appendix G - Promotion and Tenure) 2.7 Tenure. Tenure is the major vehicle for investing in and protecting the rights of academic freedom for the individual faculty member. Tenure eligibility, procedures for consideration, and disposition follows the NSHE Code and UNLV Bylaws. (See NSHE Code, Title 2, Chapter 3, Section 3.2.1, 3.3.1 —3.4.8 and UNLV Bylaws, Chapter I, Sections 4.3. Within the COE, tenure consideration is initiated by the individual faculty member if less than the maximum time at the University has elapsed and by the Department Chair/School Director if the maximum time has transpired. In either case it is the responsibility of the person being considered for tenure to prepare a complete dossier for review that is in accordance with current Provost and Regents’ guidelines and procedures for consideration of promotion and tenure (see Appendix G - Promotion and Tenure) Recommendations on tenure are processed through regular administrative channels to the Board of Regents. Appeals of decisions on tenure follow similar routes as described earlier in the section on “Promotion.” 2.7.1 Grievance. See Section 2.5.3 (in this chapter) for options regarding grievance of denial of tenure. 2.8 Faculty Load and Assignments. See Chapter I, Section 4.2,Chapter II, Section 3.1, and Chapter III, Section 2 of the UNLV Bylaws Bylaws. The Chairperson of each department, after consulting with the departmental faculty in accordance with the college bylaws, will assign each faculty member specific courses. (B~ 10/98) 2.9 Graduate Faculty. Graduate Faculty status is granted in concert with the requirements and procedures established by the Graduate College in the current Policy Manual of the Graduate College. 2.10 Faculty Chairperson. The Faculty Chairperson (FC) is empowered to call and conduct College Faculty meetings 2.10.1. The FC shall appoint ad hoc committees, prepare and coordinate agendas for COE faculty meetings. Standard agenda items may include: Report of the Dean Report of the Associate Dean(s); Report of Department Chairs; Report of Directors; Reports of Standing and ad hoc Committees; Reports of Faculty Senators; New Business; Announcements; and special items when appropriate. 2.10.2. Faculty members may submit items for inclusion on the agenda prior to each meeting. 2.10.3. The FC shall coordinate formal requests from faculty regarding merit reconsideration. 2.10.4. The FC shall oversee recording and distribution of meeting minutes. 2.10.5. The Dean shall provide appropriate clerical assistance, supplies, and other services (minute-taking support) upon the request of the Faculty Chairperson in order to insure that the FC can carry out the functions of the Office. 2.10.6. The FC, with confirmation of vote counts with the Senior Senator, shall conduct a college-wide election to fill the college level service position of Faculty Chairperson. 2.10.7. The FC shall serve a two-year term. 2.10.8. The FC shall count the ballots for all college-wide elections with the counts being verified by the Senior Senator. The Senior Senator will count the ballots for all Faculty Senate elections with the counts being verified by the FC. 2.10.9. The FC may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Faculty. 2.10.10. The FC may receive reassigned time as allowed by the existing COE workload document and approval by the COE Dean. 2.10.11. The FC may not serve as a department representative on college committees that are involved in personnel recommendations (Promotion & Tenure, Peer Review and Merit). Top

Chapter 5 - Students

Section 1 Undergraduate

1.1 Admission, Retention and Matriculation. See NSHE Code (Title 4, Chap. 8, Section 2) and the current UNLV Undergraduate Catalog for comprehensive information on undergraduate matriculation including specifications on admission to the University. Refer to individual department guidelines for current admission, retention and matriculation requirements.

Section 2 Graduate Students.

2.1 Admission. Retention, and Matriculation. See NSHE Code (Title 4, Chap. 8, Section 2) and the current UNLV Graduate Catalog for comprehensive information and a detailed specification of requirements on admission, retention, matriculation and completion. Also consult the current Policy Manual of the Graduate College for a general presentation of policies relating to admission, degree requirements, degree programs, grades, committees and examinations related to graduate student matriculation. The Department of choice should be consulted for specific and detailed information related to graduate degree programs in the area of the major. 2.2 Graduate Assistants. Refer to the current Policy Manual of the Graduate College for information on application procedures, stipends, credit load and related topics. The allocation of Graduate Assistantships (GAs) to the COE and subsequently to its units involves the following steps. 2.2.1 Departments make needs for GAs known to their Academic Dean. 2.2.2 The Dean will prepare a prioritized list of the College needs and submit it to the Graduate Dean. 2.2.3 A final number of GAs will be made available to each Academic Dean by the Graduate Dean. 2.2.4 The Dean will assign GAs to units according to the earlier prioritized list. Top

Chapter 6 - Curriculum and Programs

Section 1 Curricular and/or Program Development

See UNLV Bylaws, Chapter II, Sections 4, 5, and 6. Each Department has the responsibility to include in its bylaws provisions for continuously evaluating its curriculum and programs of study; conducting ongoing evaluation reviews of the effectiveness of its graduates; developing new approaches; planning and initiating modifications, where appropriate; and discontinuing outmoded courses or programs. It is likewise the duty of the College and University to monitor such changes and to determine in the broader scope of College and University mission and goals when, and if, additional changes are necessary.

Section 2 Curricular Modifications, Deletions or Additions

Any proposed changes in courses or course offerings are to be initiated as specified in unit bylaws or by the Teacher Education Committee (TEC) and processed via the procedures specified in the section of this document which discusses the COE Curriculum Committee (Appendix B - Standing Committees). The proper forms for such a request are available from the UNLV Undergraduate or Graduate College Curriculum Committee websites .

Section 3 Program Changes

In a similar fashion to course modification, changes in academic programs of study must be initiated and processed via the appropriate Department or TEC procedures and then submitted to the COE Curriculum Committee for action at the college level (Appendix B - Standing Committees). Subsequent treatment of requests and recommendations are by proper channels to the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee or Graduate College for review and then to the Executive Vice President and Provost for final action. The proper forms for such a request are available from the UNLV Undergraduate Curriculum Committee or Graduate College websites.

Section 4 Teacher Education and Licensure Changes

Course, curricular and/or program changes which relate only to licensure or other professional personnel licensure or endorsements must also be initiated at the unit level or by the TEC and reviewed and evaluated by the COE Curriculum Committee. Rather than being referred beyond the COE to University Committees and through administrative channels; however, they are routed to the Associate Dean of the COE who has been appointed by the Dean as UNLV’s Teacher Certification Officer. The Associate Dean either approves the changes and pursues their implementation via negotiations with the Nevada State Department of Education or disapproves the request. The Associate Dean may veto any recommendation but must provide reasons for such action, in writing, to the committees and/or the unit involved. Appeals of such vetoes may be made directly to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Section 5 Catalog Material Modification

Catalog descriptions other than those related to courses and programs may also be modified utilizing the same general steps outlined for course changes. Initiation of the request is at the Department level, review is by the COE Curriculum Committee and approval at the college level is by the Dean. Referral of the request beyond the college is through regular administrative channels and those mechanisms established by the Faculty Senate. Catalog material is routinely reviewed and updated every other year. The Undergraduate Catalog is republished in even numbered years and the Graduate Catalog in odd numbered years. The normal time to modify and update all catalog descriptions is in concert with this schedule. Top

Chapter 7 - Budget

Section 1 Recommendations and submissions

1.1 Budget Recommendations. As stated in the UNLV Bylaws (Chapter II, Section 7) each Department / School shall prepare and submit budget request recommendations via administrative channels when requested by the Executive Vice President and Provost to do so. 1.2 Budget Submission. The Dean of the COE shall have final responsibility and authority in determining specification of requests for the final COE budget request, as well as related requests, i.e., for new faculty FTE. The Dean shall involve the Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC), Chairpersons and other administrators as appropriate in the budget building and resource request activities within the COE. In turn, the Chairs shall involve program coordinators, area lead persons and general faculty in the budget planning and resource request process at the unit level (see Appendix B - Standing Committees for guidelines regarding DAC involvement).

Section 2 Budget and Resource Allocations

2.1 Allocation of Resources. The Dean of the COE has responsibility and authority to work with the Controller’s Office and/or Director of the Budget in determining final budget and other allocations for each fiscal year, once final figures become known. The Dean shall take into account the recommendations emanating from the DAC and the academic units regarding the budget, the mission, and long range plans accepted by faculty. Similar principles of decision making apply in the case of allocation of other resources, such as new faculty FTE, year-end monies and special thanks for equipment, travel or materials that become available. Top