Land Use and Zoning

Land use and zoning are main factors for how you can use your property. They describe how many units you can create and where and what kinds of businesses you can operate. They also describe how to design them for a specific location. Any proposed use must meet both land use and zoning.

Land Use

LA County Planning is your planning department if you are outside a City, or in unincorporated Los Angeles County. Here, the County General Plan guides how and where unincorporated County will grow. The County’s community-based plans are more specific for certain areas and communities.

Land use policy describes the basic type and intensity of uses of each land use category. For residential projects, this means the appropriate number of units per acre. For commercial and industrial projects, this means the most floor area based on lot size.

Knowing your plan category is the first step to understanding how you can use your property.


Zoning is the set of regulations that lists allowable uses and design requirements. Zoning also describes the review and approval process for your proposed use.

Some of the County’s zoning categories are agricultural, residential, commercial, and industrial. Every property in the County has a specific zone. Details for those zones are in County Code Title 22 (Planning and Zoning).

County Code Title 22 also includes the review and approval process, including modifications.

When you’re ready to learn more, meet with LA County Planning for all the details and requirements.