Alaska personal information protection act

The Alaska State Legislature

CSHB 159(L&C): "An Act relating to the privacy of consumer personal information; establishing the Consumer Personal Information Privacy Act; establishing data broker registration requirements; relating to social security numbers; making certain violations unfair or deceptive trade practices; and providing for an effective date."

 <p CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 159(L&C)  AS 44.33.020(a) is amended by adding a new paragraph to read: AS 45.48.900. * Sec. 2. AS 45.48.430(b) is amended to read: AS 45.48.800 - 45.48.945 or a regulation adopted under AS 45.48.470;  

AS 45.48.450(b) is amended to read: AS 45.48.400 - 45.48.480, and under AS 45.48.800 - 45.48.945 or for an agent under (a) of this AS 45.48 is amended by adding new sections to read: Article 6A. Consumer Personal Information Privacy. Sec. 45.48.800. Notice before collection; disclosure of information; other notices. (a) A business that collects personal information from a consumer shall notify

AS 45.48.835 not to have the consumer's personal information sold, AS 45.48.840 on the use of of personal information. (a) A business that collects a consumer's personal personal information. (a) When a person receives personal information for a business

A business that collects or has collected AS 45.48.810(a) and (b). Sec. 45.48.820. Request for disclosure of collected personal information. AS 45.48.850. Sec. 45.48.825. Request for deletion of personal information. (a) A

AS 45.48.810 to delete the personal information and provide a

disclosed for a business purpose or commercial purpose. (a) A consumer may AS 45.48.810 in possession of the AS 45.48.850. Sec. 45.48.835. Request not to sell, share, or disclose personal information.

AS 45.48.915, AS 45.48.850, unless the consumer later provides a clear and explicit (a) A (a) (a) A business shall AS 45.48.820 or 45.48.830 by

AS 45.48.825, and provide confirmation of compliance to the consumer. AS 45.48.825 or 45.48.830 if the consumer making the request has made two information. (a) A third party may not disclose personal information to another

(a) A service provider may not (a) AS 45.48.800 - 45.48.945 do not apply to

AS 45.25.990, and the motor AS 45.25.990, if the information is shared for the

span a business and a consumer is exempt from AS 45.48.800 - 45.48.945 if

AS 10.06.990; (a) A business bankruptcy, and certain other transactions. (a) A business may transfer to or share A business

If a series of steps or transactions are (a) A violation of AS 45.48.800 - 45.48.945 is an AS 45.50.471 - 45.50.561. Each day of a AS 45.50.531(a), a consumer whose personal AS 45.48.080 for a violation of AS 45.48.010 - 45.48.090. Sec. 45.48.895. Consumer privacy account. (a) The consumer privacy AS 45.48.900(b)(2); AS 45.48.910; and (a) Before a business begins The commissioner AS 45.48.900(b)(1) (a) A business that collects, sells, or shares AS 45.48.895. Sec. 45.48.915. Regulations. (a) The attorney general shall adopt regulations AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act) that

Except as provided in AS 45.48.845(a), a person may provide consent for a consumer under AS 45.48.800 - A business subject to AS 45.48.800 - A consumer's waiver of the The intent of AS 45.48.800 - 45.48.945 In AS 45.48.800 - 45.48.945, unless the context

AS 13.06.050;

AS 01.10.055, whether identified by a unique identifier or other method of

AS 11.81.900(a);

AS 45.48.915, to analyze

AS 45.48.860;

AS 45.48.800 - 45.48.945 may be cited as the AS 45.50.471(b) is amended by adding a new paragraph to read: The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to AS 45.48.915, added by sec. 4 of this Act, to implement the changes made AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act), but Section 8 of this Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).

* Sec. 10. Except as provided in sec. 9 of this Act, this Act takes effect January 1, 2023.